You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.3. Inventory - Purchase Order Creation > Entering Purchase Order Lines > Enter Purchase Order Line - Allocations (v2.8)
Enter Purchase Order Line - Allocations (v2.8)

You use this option to pre-allocate a quantity of an item on a purchase order to any backorders, enPOS orders or MJC orders that exist in Micronet. This links the purchase order to that order so that when the goods are received, they can be automatically allocated to the order.


Technical Tip

If you are using MJC and you want to allocate a purchase order line to a single job, you can turn on the Alternate Job Interface to enter the job number and stage number when you add the item. For more information, refer to "Purchase Order Creation - Edit - Alternate Job Interface".

  1. Display the Enter Purchase Order Line screen.

Refer to "Entering Purchase Order Lines".

  1. Select ALLOCATIONS.

Micronet displays the Select Order to Link To screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Micronet displays the item number and description of the item to be purchased.


Qty Ordered

Micronet displays the quantity of the item ordered as entered on the Enter Purchase Order Line screen.


Qty Pre-Allocated

Micronet displays the quantity of the item pre-allocated to backorders, enPOS orders and MJC orders. This field is updated as you pre-allocate quantities of the item using the steps below.


Current Allocations

Micronet displays any backorders, enPOS orders or MJC orders that have already been linked to this purchase order to pre-allocate quantities of the item.


Customer Orders

Micronet displays any backorders, enPOS orders or MJC orders that exist for the item.

  1. To pre-allocate a quantity of the item from this purchase order, double click on a backorder, enPOS order or MJC order in the Customer Orders section of this screen, or select an order and press Enter.

Micronet displays the Enter Quantity to Allocate screen. This screen differs slightly depending on the type of order selected.

  1. In the Allocate Now field, enter the quantity of the item you want to pre-allocate to the order and then select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Select Order to Link To screen with the allocated quantity in the Current Allocations section.


Technical Tip

  • If partial deliveries of the item are not allowed, Micronet only allows you to pre-allocate from a purchase order if the total quantity on backorder can be fulfilled. (Partial deliveries are set in the Allow Delivery field in the Item master file. For more information, refer to "File - Inventory - Item".)
  • You can only allocate items to MJC orders if the same warehouse is set for both the purchase order line and the job. Micronet displays an error message if the warehouses are different.
  1. Repeat the steps above to perform further allocations.
  1. When you have finished allocating items, choose the Ok button on the Select Order to Link to screen.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Purchase Order Line screen.


Technical Tip

The allocation is completed during the goods receipt process – refer to "Inventory - Goods Received".